Open Source eLearning by IRZ
Please use the Shibboleth Login, if you are a student of Leibniz Universität Hannover!
For this purpose always click the button "Shibboleth Login".
Shibboleth is the LUHs WebSSO service. If you don't have access to it yet, please apply for it in the Account-Manager under WebSSO / OpenID. For questions regarding the Shibboleth login, please consult the support of the Identity management system (IdM).
If you need to register a local account, please contact the Technical Support for a registration code.
By using the Shibboleth Login you approve the transfer of your name, email, matriculation number and LUH-ID from the LUH identity management system (IdM). To minimise personal data you may change your Name and Email after logging in. If you want to minimise your personal data even more, please register a local account.

Login to ILIAS via Shibboleth

Shibboleth Login Button

To log in via Shibboleth, please click on the login button and choose your organization of the following page.
If you have questions concerning this, please ask the ILIAS Administrator.

Login to ILIAS

* Required  

New Account Registration Public Area Forgot your password? Forgot your username?